Work With Car Accident Attorneys For Your Underinsured Or Uninsured Claim
If you’ve been in a vehicle accident that wasn’t your fault, you may feel entitled to compensation. You may assume that you will be reimbursed for your car damages, hospital bills, and any other injuries incurred at the accident. Unfortunately, this isn’t always how things work. For some victims, they find that the person who caused the accident doesn’t have sufficient insurance coverage or maybe none at all. If you were hit by someone without adequate insurance, you want to work with car accident attorneys in WI to determine your rights.
What A Car Accident Attorney Will Discuss During Your Consultation
When meeting with your car accident attorney in WI, you will learn if you are eligible to file a medical expense, an underinsured or uninsured claim against your own insurance company. Your car accident attorney will discuss each of these claim options to decide which one, or both, best fit your claim.
What You Should Know About Uninsured Motorist Coverage
Should the at-fault party in your collision not carry any auto liability insurance, your attorney may recommend filing an uninsured claim. Yes, you may feel compelled to sue the driver of the other vehicle to get retribution for your damages. However, if the motorist doesn’t have the financial means to pay for their negligence, you will never get money to which you are entitled. That’s where uninsured motorist coverage comes in. This type of coverage can be used to pay for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
What You Should Know About Underinsured Motorist Coverage
Underinsured coverage, as the name implies, can be utilized when an at-fault driver has some insurance coverage, but not enough to pay for all of your damages, lost wages, and medical bills. If this occurs, your lawyer may suggest filing a claim with your insurance carrier for underinsured motorist coverage. The ultimate goal of your claim would be to bridge the gap between your total damages and the amount the at-fault driver’s policy will cover.
What You Should Know When Filing Your Claim
If you decide to move forward with filing a claim, it’s important to know that your insurance carrier will thoroughly investigate all the details of your accident. They will look at your medical records, read the investigation reports of the police, and assess your vehicle damages. While it’s okay for your provider to take the steps necessary to determine your coverage, they will take an adversarial stance against you. If you feel like your insurance provider is being unnecessarily difficult, you will want to consult with a lawyer. Experienced car accident attorneys in WI will act as your advocate (the insurance company is not on your side) to ensure that your rights are protected and your claim is processed as quickly as possible.
If you are struggling to get reimbursed for an accident that wasn’t your fault, Eisenberg Law Offices, S.C. can help you get all that you deserve to. Contact our team of professional car accident attorneys to make sure your rights are protected.