4 Common Defenses To Wisconsin OWI Charges | Eisenberg Law
Wisconsin driving laws are strict, particularly when it comes to OWI charges. An OWI conviction can lead to the loss of your driving privileges, fines, and even jail time, which is why they should never be taken lightly.
Domestic Violence Investigations In Wisconsin
Domestic violence makes the news all too frequent. While we may see splashy headlines or an overabundance of reporting on cases involving high-profile individuals, we rarely hear much about the investigation and the ultimate resolution of these cases. That is because these types of cases can be challenging to investigate.
Avoid Marijuana Drug Charges in Wisconsin
As more and more states legalize marijuana, it is easy to let down your guard and think it is not a big deal here in Wisconsin. That could not be further from the truth. Although there have been movements to decriminalize marijuana in the state, it has not happened yet. It is still illegal to use or be caught with marijuana here and doing so will result in marijuana drug charges.
Should I Talk to the Police After an Arrest in Wisconsin
People who are arrested often wonder “Should I talk to the police?” On the one hand, talking to the police seems like the best way to tell your side of the story, clear up any misunderstandings, and get out of jail sooner. On the other hand, our Wisconsin criminal defense attorneys would advise you to not speak to the police without an attorney present.
Wisconsin OWI Impact on Insurance | Eisenberg Law
Operating While Intoxicated, or OWI, is illegal in Wisconsin. Many drivers wonder if an OWI on their record will impact their insurance rates and the answer is Yes. An OWI conviction almost always results in an increase in auto insurance premiums. An OWI conviction will carry other penalties as well, notably the SR22.
Plea Bargain FAQs | Wisconsin Plea Deals
Anyone who watches legal shows on television has heard the term plea bargain. These “deals” are used widely in fictional entertainment settings, but they are real, legal strategies that are used throughout Wisconsin to close cases. Below, we answer nine common questions about plea deals.