6 Facts About Wisconsin Personal Injury Law | Eisenberg Law

Personal injury law centers around negligent or reckless behavior and the injuries that result from those behaviors. Unfortunately, cases are not as straightforward as many Wisconsin residents expect. Simply being injured is not enough to make a personal injury claim. To successfully settle a personal injury claim, the element of negligence must be proven and there must be a proven connection between the negligent action and the resulting injury. This is just one fact about Wisconsin personal injury law. Below, we share six more personal injury facts.

By |June 1, 2023|

Wisconsin Car Crash Statute of Limitations Is Three Years

There are many matters to take care of after a car crash: doctor visits, car repairs, scheduling time off from work and the list goes on. The very last thing on your mind may be filing a car accident claim. However, due to the statute of limitations in Wisconsin, you need to consider filing a claim sooner rather than later.

By |April 14, 2023|

Q And A With A Wisconsin Car Accident Lawyer

Hiring a Wisconsin car accident lawyer can be a daunting thought, but it is a smart move that will only help you. If you have been involved in a car accident and suffered injuries of any kind, an attorney can make sure you are treated fairly, that your claim is handled in a timely manner, and that you receive the full claim amount to which you are entitled.

By |March 17, 2023|

Getting A Second Option For Car Accident Injuries

Obtaining a second opinion for a medical condition is common practice in Wisconsin. Maybe you didn’t hit it off with the diagnosing doctor. Maybe you want to talk to someone who has more experience with the diagnosis. Maybe you just want to explore all of your options before settling on a treatment plan. All of these are perfectly acceptable reasons to talk to another provider regarding a diagnosis or an injury, including car accident injuries.

By |February 15, 2023|

3 Questions To Ask Your Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer

Hiring a Wisconsin personal injury lawyer to help you win a claim or settlement is the best way to ensure you receive the full amount you are due. But how do you choose an injury lawyer? Referrals from friends and family are usually the first place most people start, but this might not be the best approach.

By |January 13, 2023|

Car Accident Damages | Wisconsin Accident Attorneys

Wisconsin law allows victims of a car accident to collect compensation, called damages, from the responsible party via a personal injury claim. Our auto accident attorneys represent victims who are trying to rebuild their lives after an accident. We help our clients determine the appropriate claim amount by examining the economic losses that they have suffered as well as the non-economic losses.

By |December 12, 2022|
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