Drunk Driving Prevention Programming Press Release

Contact Information
Stephen Eisenberg
Eisenberg Law Offices, S.C.
September 23, 2009

Eisenberg Law Offices Reacts to Growing Underage Drinking and Drunk Driving Issue with High School Program

Jefferson County, Wisconsin – Wisconsin law firm volunteers to speak on the dangers of underage drinking at public awareness campaign developed by Drug Free Action Alliance, focused on educating adults on the safety risks of serving alcohol at teen parties and enforcing compliance with underage drinking laws. The event, “Parents Who Host, Lost the Most: Don’t Be a Party to Teenage Drinking,” will be held on October 6 at Fort Atkinson High School and on October 8 at Watertown High School in Wisconsin.

“In the last few years, I have seen a dramatic increase in the number of teenagers and young adults involved in alcohol related incidents, ranging from simple underage drinking to kids dying in car accidents. Teens need to be educated with real life scenarios of the dangers of drinking and driving and that’s why I have agreed to talk about this issue.” said Stephen J. Eisenberg, Wisconsin attorney and co-founder of Eisenberg Law Offices, S.C.

The event was created to spotlight global awareness of the growing problem with underage drinking and alcohol-related traffic accidents that kill hundreds in Wisconsin each year. The campaign is under review to repeat in all 50 states. The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled that an adult who supplies alcohol to a person under the age of 21 is liable for damages sustained by a third party as a result of an auto accident caused by the underage person who was provided alcohol.

Wisconsin’s increasing drunk driving problem is magnified by the fact that it is the only state that does not criminalize first offense drunk driving. The state leads the nation with one of the highest rates for high school student and underage drinking. 49% of high school students drink and 39% of all underage kids drink, according to the Population Health Institute at U.W. Madison.

The Wisconsin State Assembly is expecting to pass a new law targeted at curbing drunk driving and increasing potential penalties. This new law would make fourth offense drunk driving a felony if committed within five years of a third offense. Currently, a fifth offense is a felony.

Eisenberg Law Offices, S.C. offers legal representation in criminal defense, personal injury, family/divorce, drunk driving, and more in the state of Wisconsin.