Miranda Rights in Wisconsin

Most people are familiar with Miranda rights from crime movies and TV shows. However, entertainment media doesn't always get the circumstances surrounding those words correct. Officers do have to read you your rights in specific circumstances, but there are times when an officer can question you, legally, without having to read those Miranda rights in Wisconsin.

By |December 18, 2019|

Ignition Interlock Device After OWI in Wisconsin

Wisconsin takes very seriously the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol. While the state can't stop all alcohol-related accidents from happening, it does apply strict penalties to anyone who is convicted of an OWI offense. In addition to punishment, it applies a preventative measure in the form of an ignition interlock device, or IID. If you are convicted of an OWI, you can expect an IID to be in your future.

By |December 13, 2019|

Classes of Misdemeanor Offenses in Wisconsin

In Wisconsin, like in most states, crimes get classified broadly as felonies or misdemeanors. In many cases, the same crime can fall into either category. Further, some crimes might begin as misdemeanors, but become felonies after multiple offenses. While they carry lesser offenses than felonies, misdemeanors still create a serious impact on your life, both in terms of the penalty and the impact a conviction on your record can carry long after your jail time or fine.

By |December 11, 2019|

Drug Court Alternatives | Madison WI Drug Arrests

When a person is found guilty of drug charges in Wisconsin, the court often sentences defendants to jail time. This has proven to be an ineffective deterrent to drug use and time after time, counties see the same people come through their courtrooms. It's evident that this approach does not work for many drug users, but there are alternatives to jail that do show promise in reducing recidivism rates and helping users get clean for good.

By |December 4, 2019|

Explaining Wisconsin’s Concealed Carry Laws

Wisconsin, like many states, allows concealed carry. This gives you the right, if you follow the legal requirements, to carry a concealed weapon in the state. This right comes with limits that you need to understand. If you carry when or where it is not allowed, you can be arrested despite Wisconsin's concealed carry law.

By |November 18, 2019|

How to Deal With a DUI Traffic Stop and Resulting Charge

Checkpoints and traffic stops for DUIs are increasing, especially as more people get behind the wheel after not only drinking but also using drugs. Police officers want to get drivers who are under the influence off the road, and if you are pulled over and show signs of intoxication, you will find yourself in a lot of legal trouble. Should you have to go through a checkpoint or if you're pulled over by police, remember these tips to help you get through the stop and any legal processes that result.

By |November 15, 2019|
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