Understanding Possession Laws in Wisconsin

In Wisconsin, as in many states, possession can be a crime. You can illegally possess drugs, drug paraphernalia, firearms, or many other items. Before you assume you are safe on these fronts, though, you should know that possession is not always obvious. Depending on your circumstances, you may be arrested without even being aware you had legal possession.

By |July 15, 2019|

Social Media Use May Affect Your Trial Outcome

Social media gives others a window into your life, and if you're involved in a trial, that window could result in a poorer court outcome for you if you're not careful. Your posts and pictures could be used against you, and, because these posts can be misread easily, you could stand accused of things you actually didn't do. While social media plays a large role in many people's lives and businesses now, if you're going to court, you need to be very, very careful about what you do online.

By |June 17, 2019|

Probation Holds in Wisconsin

If you are arrested and convicted of a crime, you sometimes receive probation as part or all of your sentence. You should not confuse probation with freedom, though. If you violate the terms of probation, you may be taken into custody. This is called a probation hold.

By |June 14, 2019|

Drug Charges | Probable Cause | Reasonable Suspicion

Did you know that drug charges hinge on the legality of police actions, even if you are caught with narcotics in your possession? If police don't follow proper protocol, charges can be dismissed, which is one good reason why you should always contact a criminal defense attorney if you are charged with a drug crime, however hopeless you think your situation may be.

By |June 5, 2019|

You Can Get out of OWI Charges, and Here’s How

The phrase used in Wisconsin for driving under the influence of a substance is Operating While Intoxicated (OWI), and it's a serious charge that could end your driving days, at least for a while. For the most part, challenging an OWI charge involves trying to get a more lenient sentence. Yet it is possible to have the charge dismissed entirely through a few strategies.

By |May 22, 2019|
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