Defending Wire Fraud Charges

Wire fraud is a federal crime that can get you into serious trouble. Some of the factors involved are complicated, so you may not understand the charges when you receive them. Rather than trying to go it alone or work with an inexperienced attorney, you should look for someone who understands not only the elements of the crime, but how to defend you in federal court.

By |August 12, 2020|

Domestic Abuse Charges and Your Reputation

Domestic abuse is a terrible crime, and charges alone can have an adverse effect on your life. You could find yourself without a job and find people avoiding you, and if you're convicted and punished, you could even find future job opportunities and apartments limited. People may also begin to treat you as if you could become violent, which is a problem in general but especially if the charges stemmed from an isolated incident like rowdy behavior that got out of hand, especially if you were intoxicated.

By |July 17, 2020|

How Domestic Violence Reports Affect You

Wisconsin takes reports of domestic violence very seriously. If you have been charged with domestic abuse, you face significant consequences. Conviction of domestic violence can bring severe punishment, including the loss of possession of firearms. You should contact an attorney right away if you know someone has filed a report on you.

By |July 13, 2020|

Can the Police Search Your Smartphone?

Ideas of privacy have changed dramatically as technology improves. Today, much of your life is accessible through your phone. This may not concern you in the abstract, but when police demand to search your smartphone, you will likely rethink that. There are limits in place to protect you, but in an evolving world, you may have trouble applying yesterday's limits to today's problem. Work with an experienced criminal lawyer to help protect your rights.

By |July 10, 2020|

No-Knock Warrants | Wisconsin Search Warrants

No-Knock Warrants Are Legal And Valid In Wisconsin Most people are familiar with the requirement that officers obtain a search warrant before entering a property to search it. When we picture what this looks like, our mind sees officers knocking on the door and being allowed entry once they present [...]

By |July 3, 2020|
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