Your Rights When the Police Want to Look Around

If a police officer asks to have a look around your property, it can feel uncomfortable to refuse. The police carry a great deal of authority, and telling them no can be scary. Still, you have rights that are worth protecting. Not only do you not have to give consent, but doing so can waive some of your rights later.

By |February 12, 2020|

Setting Bail In Wisconsin | Bail Considerations In Wisconsin

Given news reports and criminal dramas on television, many people assume that paying cash bail is an option in every arrest situation. The truth of the matter is that no one is guaranteed to be offered bail in Wisconsin. The judge presiding over the initial court appearance is in charge of both determining if bail should be an option and setting bail in Wisconsin.

By |February 5, 2020|

White Collar Crime Is More Serious Than Many Realize

White collar crime tends not to involve violence -- in fact, it has a reputation of being almost "boring" to the average person -- and that means that many don't realize that white collar crime is serious. Most people understand that fraud and embezzlement are not minor, but there is a disconnect between perception and reality when it comes to these types of financial crimes. However, white collar crime definitely is not as minor as its reputation makes it seem.

By |January 15, 2020|

Penalties for Probation Violation in Wisconsin

After you are convicted of a crime, one of the best outcomes you can get is probation. Whether this comes in lieu of jail time or after you serve part of your sentence, it can feel like freedom. Unfortunately, you still have conditions you have to meet to keep that freedom. Violating your probation can lead to a longer probation or even jail time.

By |January 13, 2020|

OWI Charges When You Are Below the Legal Limit

Wisconsin, like most states, has a threshold blood alcohol content that defines legal intoxication. That limit, .08, is the point at which you will automatically be found legally intoxicated. Unfortunately, testing below that level may not be enough to free you of OWI charges. If you are arrested for an OWI, you will need to work with an experienced criminal defense attorney.

By |January 10, 2020|

Second Offense OWI | Wisconsin Second Offense Penalties

It should come as no surprise that the penalties associated with a second offense OWI in Wisconsin are more severe than those for a first offense OWI. One of the reasons for this is because first offenses are considered civil offenses/violations while second offenses are a criminal offense/violation without exception. This naturally leads to more severe repercussions.

By |January 3, 2020|
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