5 Reasons Your OWI Might Bring Tougher Charges

Like most states, Wisconsin has strict penalties for OWI offenses. Even for a first OWI offense, you face serious consequences. The base penalties do not necessarily tell the whole story; some factors can boost your penalty even higher.

By |September 11, 2019|

Domestic Abuse Charges | Wisconsin Domestic Abuse Attorney

Domestic abuse charges in Wisconsin may result from a variety of factors and situations from physical assaults and altercations to even the threat of such actions being taken. Such allegations are taken seriously and offenders are harshly penalized. Even if the allegations turn out to be false or unproven, allegations and the investigative process can have lingering effects on the accused.

By |September 3, 2019|

How to Have Juvenile Criminal Records Sealed

People who have prior juvenile criminal records and who meet specific requirements can have those records sealed. This does not erase the records, but it does seal them so that the person does not have to report them. This gives the person a boost when applying for a job or [...]

By |August 19, 2019|

What Happens After Arrest for Misdemeanor Theft in Wisconsin

If you are arrested for a misdemeanor theft, the court's process can be confusing. Instead of going it alone, you should hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to help. This gives you your best chance to navigate the next steps and defend against the charges. The right attorney can help at every stage along the way.

By |August 14, 2019|

5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Wisconsin OWI Attorney

f you are arrested for OWI, you are facing serious charges. Wisconsin imposes strict consequences for even your first offense of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Before you hire an attorney, you need to be comfortable that he or she will give you the best defense possible. These five questions should help you make a good choice for your needs.

By |August 12, 2019|

What to Know About Statutory Rape Charges in Wisconsin

Statutory Rape Charges in Wisconsin are serious - what should you know? When the term "statutory rape" is heard, most people think of a consensual sexual relationship involving an 18 or 19 year old and a teen who is under 18. There's a tendency to think it's no big deal [...]

By |August 5, 2019|
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