6 Questions About Disorderly Conduct Charges in Wisconsin

Disorderly conduct is a Class B misdemeanor in Wisconsin. The charges stem from arguments, altercations, and disagreements and are one of the easiest of charges to levy against a person.

Disorderly conduct is defined by Wisconsin State Statute 947.01(1) as:

“Whoever, in a public or private place, engages in violent, abusive, indecent, profane, boisterous, unreasonably loud or otherwise disorderly conduct under circumstances in which the conduct tends to cause or provoke a disturbance is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.”

A conviction on disorderly conduct charges can be punished by up to $1,000 in fines and as much as 90 days in jail.

Two Facts About Disorderly Conduct Charges In Wisconsin

  1. Disorderly conduct is one of the most frequently charged crimes in Wisconsin.
  2. A person may be charged with disorderly conduct if they behave in a manner that causes a disturbance.

Disorderly Conduct FAQs

  1. Can I Be Charged Even If I Didn’t Disturb Anyone? If no one was bothered by your conduct, you may assume you can’t be charged with disorderly conduct. However, the statute does not specifically require that others be disturbed in order to be charged. To be charged with the crime, you must only have demonstrated the type of behavior that tends to create a disturbance.
  2. Can I Be Charged Based on Speech Alone? Despite free speech protections, you can face disorderly conduct charges if your speech serves no other purpose than to cause a disturbance.
  3. Can I Be Charged with Disorderly Conduct if I am Carrying a Gun? You cannot be charged with this crime simply for carrying a gun. In order to be charged, you must also have caused a disturbance or had the intent to harm someone else with the gun.
  4. What Happens if I am Arrested for Disorderly Conduct? If you are arrested and charged, you will be taken to jail and given a chance to post bond and be released the same day. If you cannot post bail or if you are charged with a felony, you will remain in jail until you see a judge.
  5. I Have Received a “Wisconsin Uniform Misdemeanor Citation”. What is That? This citation is not a ticket. It is a notification that you have been charged with a crime. It will include a time and date for your court appearance. If you do not appear for this appearance, the judge will issue a warrant for your arrest.
  6. My Situation Involved a Domestic Partner and I Received a No Contact Order. What Does That Mean? Domestic charges in Wisconsin often involve no contact orders in addition to disorderly conduct charges. If you have received a No Contact Order, you will be unable to have any contact with the other person for 72 hours. If you violate this order, you will be charged with a separate crime.

Fight The Charges With Help From Eisenberg Law’s Criminal Defense Attorneys

If you are facing disorderly conduct charges, contact Eisenberg Law Offices for advice and representation. This is particularly important if you have also been issued a No Contact Order to ensure you do not violate any portion of the Order. The last thing you want to do is make the situation worse than it already is.

Our criminal defense attorneys help clients fight disorderly conduct charges and represent them in their initial court appearances and beyond to protect their rights and minimize the repercussions of the charges. Find out how we can help you by calling Eisenberg Law Offices at 608-256-8356 or emailing [email protected] to schedule a free case consultation.

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