File or Settle? Work With Your Personal Injury Lawyer In Madison, WI To Decide
If you have been hurt in an accident, you may be eligible for compensation. Far too often, accident victims assume that they alone must work through their pain and (seemingly) never ending medical bills. However, for many who have suffered an injury the best way to decide if your injury qualifies for compensation is to contact a personal injury lawyer in Madison, WI.
Should You Settle Or File A Lawsuit Through Your Personal Injury Lawyer In Madison, WI?
Understanding what you can expect when navigating through the personal injury process can help you decide if you want to file a lawsuit, or proceed forward with a settlement. A reputable personal injury lawyer in Madison, WI will first send the opposing party (most often an insurance company), a letter outlining the details and specifics of your claim. This letter will go into detail about your specific injuries as well as describe the negligence of the defendant.
Additionally, a personal injury lawyer in Madison, WI will often list a settlement or demand amount in this letter. This settlement amount will take into consideration a wide range of factors including past and future medical bills, past and future lost wages, and other compensable damages. Upon receiving your letter, the defending party will have three options that include:
Acknowledging your claim: The insurance company may agree to your settlement or demand amount, the litigation ends there.
Refuting your claim: Should the insurance company refuse to acknowledge wrongdoing or negligence in the accident, your attorney can help you move forward with filing a lawsuit. A trial will take time and money to pursue, so it’s important to carefully consider if moving forward with your claim is truly what you want to do.
Counteroffer: Most often an insurance company will counteroffer on the settlement or demand amount. The counteroffer will always be lower than your requested settlement amount. You must consult with your personal injury lawyer to determine if the counteroffer is fair compensation for your ordeal or if further negotiations are in order. If not, he or she can work with you to decide if you should move forward with litigation on your case.
If you’ve suffered physical harm due to negligence, you should consult with a personal injury lawyer in Madison, WI. Eisenberg Law Offices offers quality, compassionate legal advice. Contact us at 608-256-8356 to hear more.