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personal injury attorney madison wi

Will My Personal Injury Case Get to Trial?

Madison Personal Injury Attorney provides an explanation

People are injured in Wisconsin every day. Some of these injuries create minor inconveniences, but some change lives forever. In either case, trials over personal injuries have become the exception rather than the rule. If you have been injured, you should understand that your case will likely settle. Until it does, though, you must prepare as though you will go to trial.

Most Personal Injury Cases Settle

Insurance companies handle negotiations for many personal injury cases. They often try to lure you into a quick injury settlement. It can be tempting; you may need or just want an up-front payment that finishes the matter for you. Before you do, though, understand that initial offers usually come far below the true value of your claim.

Rejecting an initial settlement offer does not mean you can’t settle. Instead it starts a process of negotiation and preparation. Experienced attorneys  will work to understand the facts and move toward a true and fair damages settlement.

Prepare for a Trial

Sometimes you can’t agree. The insurance company may see the case differently from how you see it. For this reason, you should always assume that your own case might go to trial. Work with your attorney to understand and develop the facts underlying your claims. Learn what to expect if you do go to trial, including how long it will take and what your strategy will be.

In the meantime, keep taking care of yourself. Treat your injuries and keep track of the value of your treatments, whether or not your health insurance covers the costs. It can be a long path to trial, and failing to do what you can to get better diminishes your physical and financial recovery.

Hire the Right Personal Injury Lawyer

Through all of this, your attorney serves as your guide through the process. Seek experienced representation, and listen to the advice you receive. If you have been injured in the Madison, Wisconsin area, contact Eisenberg Law Offices, online or at (608) 256-8356. We will help you get the recovery you deserve.