Disorderly Conduct (with possession of a Firearm) is a Serious charge
A charge of disorderly conduct with a firearm is serious, not just because of the nature of the crime, but also because you’re actually facing a charge with the option of added penalties. In Wisconsin, there’s no specific charge of disorderly conduct with a firearm, but there is a disorderly conduct charge and the ability to assign additional penalties for the use of a dangerous weapon. This combination can get you into a lot of trouble, and you need to work with a lawyer to find a good defense against the charges because chances are, what you come up with on your own might not work.
What This Charge Really Is
The charges and penalties that make up a disorderly conduct with a firearm charge are initially misdemeanors. You face potential fines and jail time. The weapons issue allows authorities to increase fines and/or jail time.
The details of your alleged crime could change that if new information comes to light. Disorderly conduct can take place at home or in public, and the weapons penalties can be applied even if the firearm wasn’t used.
A Warning
People facing this charge initially think that if the crime had no victim or if the actions took place in the privacy of a home, that the charges won’t stick. You can be charged and convicted of disorderly conduct anywhere, including in your own home. Also, it doesn’t matter if there’s no physical victim; the charges don’t depend on someone being physically hurt.
What to Do Next
It can be comforting to discuss problems with friends, but that’s not what you should do if you’re charged. Do not discuss the case with anyone but a lawyer, and do not post about it on social media.
Contact Eisenberg Law Offices as soon as you can at (608) 256-8356. You must speak with a lawyer to determine what the best way is to fight the charge or whether you need to concentrate on reducing penalties instead.