How to Violate Probation and Be Sent Back to Jail

Probation can be both a blessing and a curse, as the saying goes. It's a blessing in that you're not in jail and can live a relatively normal daily life. It's a curse, however, because it is so easy to violate probation by doing things that, at times, can seem mundane and not worthy of jail. Probation is a test period; if you can get through these few years of restrictions, you gain more freedom.

By |October 19, 2020|

Rights of the Innocent Under Police Questioning

Most of us want to be helpful when we can. When the police ask questions, you may feel even more pressure to answer and show your innocence. Before you respond, though, take a step back. You have constitutional rights designed to protect you. Calling an attorney can keep you from getting into trouble that you don't deserve.

By |October 14, 2020|

When and How to Seek a Plea Bargain in Wisconsin

An arrest always creates anxiety. You have to face the police, and you may go to jail. Unlike in a civil lawsuit, you also deal with a system that works quickly, moving from arrest to arraignment to trial before you really know what is happening. As it happens, you may be offered a plea bargain. This often represents a break from the punishment that might otherwise await. Before you accept, though, you should make sure you understand what it all means.

By |October 12, 2020|

Criminal Defense Attorney Strategies | Social Media Defense

Social media has changed the way we communicate, stay in touch, and share information. This is true whether you're in Madison, WI, or Miami, FL, or halfway around the world. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter have become influential news sources, and apps like Snapchat and Instagram broadcast the visuals of millions of lives every day. Not only has the general public embraced these platforms as a source of information, but as any criminal defense attorney will tell you, law enforcement agencies are using the tools to obtain information for their investigations too. If your attorney isn't taking social media seriously as a resource, it could put your case at risk.

By |October 5, 2020|

How Can You Stop Someone From Charging You With Embezzlement?

You would think that doing your job and being as honest as possible about any transactions you make would protect you from accusations of embezzlement. However, if your employer has discovered that money is missing and may have been embezzled, then the company is going to do whatever it can to investigate -- and that means treating you as a suspect if there appears to be any connection between you and the money. Your treatment during these investigations could be the key to getting those accusations dismissed and avoiding a charge.

By |September 18, 2020|
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