Avoiding Jail Time on Criminal Charges

An experienced criminal defense attorney can help reduce or eliminate your jail sentence After you are charged with a crime, one of your first questions is whether you will have to serve time in jail. Ideally, the lawyer will help clear you of charges against you. When that isn't possible, [...]

By |May 13, 2020|

Boating Under the Influence | Wisconsin BUI Laws

Boating is a popular summer pastime in Wisconsin – for residents and visitors alike. In some cases, boaters will bring alcohol or drugs with them on their excursions. Like driving under the influence, boating under the influence (BUI) is illegal in the state and our waterways are regularly patrolled by conservation wardens and police patrol boats looking for drunk or high boaters.

By |May 6, 2020|

How Juvenile Incarceration Affects Youth

If your child is facing juvenile charges in Wisconsin, you are likely worried about the present moment. What happens if he or she is incarcerated? Will your child be safe? While these are important concerns, you need to think about that child's future too. Studies show many harmful effects that juvenile incarceration creates as children grow. Avoiding time locked up can be critical to your child's development and future.

By |April 13, 2020|

What Can You Do After a Conviction?

Sometimes things do not go your way in a criminal trial. You may feel you have received an unfair sentence, or you might think the conviction itself is wrong. It is not easy to get a second chance, but there are rules in place to let you ask. If you need to ask the court for relief after you are sentenced, working with an experienced criminal defense attorney can help you.

By |April 10, 2020|

Presentencing Investigations In Wisconsin

Judges in Wisconsin are charged with determining the appropriate sentence for convicted offenders. They take many facts into consideration as they make a determination. The most influential facts come from the current case, but this is not the only information used to make sentencing decisions. Judges can also order a presentencing investigation or PSI. PSIs are comprehensive reports about the defendant's history and background, particularly in regard to previous brushes with the law. Some attorneys and judges consider the PSI to be the single most important document influencing judicial sentencing decisions.

By |April 3, 2020|
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