Traffic Stops and Marijuana Possession Arrest

While many states have legalized medical or recreational marijuana, Wisconsin still considers marijuana possession a crime. This means that if you have marijuana in your car when you are driving, you can be arrested if the police officers discover it during a traffic stop. If you have been arrested for marijuana possession, you need legal representation right away.

By |November 11, 2019|

Misdemeanors Vs. Felonies In Wisconsin

Wisconsin state statute is very clear on misdemeanors vs. felonies. Section 939.60 offers this definition: "A crime punishable by imprisonment of 1 year of more in the Wisconsin state prisons is a felony. Every other crime is a misdemeanor."

By |November 4, 2019|

Understanding Wisconsin Domestic Violence Law

Wisconsin takes domestic violence laws seriously. This comes from a place of wanting to protect the safety of all of its citizens. Still, if you don't understand how this area of law works, you might find yourself in trouble for your actions or words. Before you get to that point, take the time to understand just what domestic violence means in Wisconsin.

By |October 11, 2019|

Getting a Lawyer After You Are Arrested

When you get arrested, your mind starts racing. You think about your friends and your family, about what you are going to do. Hopefully, you also think about contacting a lawyer. Before you do, though, you have some time to stop and plan. You don't want to call the first attorney you hear about. Instead, do a little work and make sure you find the right person for your case.

By |October 9, 2019|

Do I Really Need a Lawyer if I Was Arrested for Something I Didn’t Do?

Being arrested for a crime you definitely did not commit is shocking and alarming -- yet there's a tendency for some to think there will be no problem getting the charges dropped. This overconfidence can extend to the judicial process, in which the accused decides a lawyer isn't necessary. Unfortunately, in Wisconsin, as in other states, it's possible to be convicted for a crime you actually didn't commit. Because this risk is real, you need to have a lawyer help you get the charges dropped or help you get acquitted.

By |September 18, 2019|

Defending Wisconsin Sexual Assault Charges

Accusations and charges of sexual assault come more frequently than they used to, in part because the stigma victims once faced has lessened. While this represents a positive development in many ways, it sometimes creates assumptions that the accused is always, automatically guilty. If you are facing accusations of sexual assault, you still have the right to a strong legal defense.

By |September 13, 2019|
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