Future Medical Expenses and Compensation Claims

Any time a person is injured in an accident, there is the potential for future medical expenses. Long-standing injuries can arise whether the accident was due to another person’s negligence or not, but when it is due to another’s negligence, there is a possibility of obtaining financial compensation from the one responsible for the accident. This can be incredibly helpful for victims who face ongoing medical needs.

Although it’s common for injured victims to take into account their current medical bills when seeking compensation for their injuries, they often fail to look further ahead. This is where their personal injury attorney will often speak up and suggest that future medical expenses should also be accounted for in the compensation claim.

Types of Future Medical Expenses

Future medical expenses include any future treatments, surgeries, or recovery therapies that may be required as part of the accident victim’s treatment plan in the future. For example, if you suffered a back injury in a car accident, you may require future surgeries or physical rehabilitation to get back to a similar level of health as you had prior to the accident. These procedures and treatments can be expensive. A personal injury compensation award can help pay for these expenses.   

Specific future medical costs that are often included in compensation awards include:

  • Surgical Expenses
  • Hospital Bills
  • Prescriptions
  • Diagnostic Tests
  • Therapy and Rehabilitation
  • Medical Equipment
  • Home Modifications

Proving Need

Just as you would provide proof to the court of existing medical expenses that were incurred as a result of an accident, you will also have to provide proof of the need for compensation to cover future expenses. Current expenses are proven by providing documentation from doctors and therapists, medical bills, and receipts. Future expenses are harder to prove. They haven’t happened yet, so you won’t have any expense documentation.

Consultation with a car accident attorney or personal injury lawyer is the best way to ensure you have accounted for future medical costs in your claim. Your attorney will discuss your future medical needs with your doctor and may consult specialists and other healthcare providers to determine what kinds of expenses may occur in the future. They will use this information to build your claim so that you are adequately compensated for your injuries.

Contact Eisenberg Law Offices For Personal Injury Advice

If you have sustained injuries from a car accident or another type of accident that was not your fault and are facing mounting medical bills, contact the personal injury attorneys at Eisenberg Law Offices in Madison, WI. We can help you prove your need for compensation to help pay for past and future medical needs.

Schedule a free consultation right now, by calling Eisenberg Law Offices at 608-256-8356 or by emailing us at to discuss your situation.

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