8 Teen Driving Safety Tips

Car accidents are the leading cause of death for teenage drivers. Their inexperience and lack of  confidence can combine for deadly results. Review these teen driving safety tips with your new driver to help keep them aware and safe on the road.

Teen Driving Safety Tips

  1. Keep Instructing Teens Even After They Have Their License. The first year of teen driving carries the highest risk of accidents. Be sure your teen has at least 30-50 hours of driving practice before getting their license and plan to drive with them in all kinds of weather conditions, at different times of day, and on different types of roads. Keep reinforcing the habit of scanning for hazards and other vehicles until it is second nature for your teen driver.
  2. Limit Teenage Passengers. Driving with friends is one of the best parts of being a teen driver, but it is also incredibly distracting. Accident risk increases exponentially when other teens are in the car. In Wisconsin, drivers under 18 are restricted to driving with only one non-family member passenger for at least the first 9 months after getting their driver’s license. This restriction can be extended if the teen is involved in an accident.
  3. Limit Nighttime Driving. Wisconsin restricts drivers under 18 from driving between midnight and 5 a.m. for the first nine months after licensure. The only exception is if they are traveling between home and school or work. Parents can help their teens become more comfortable with nighttime driving by continuing to practice with them.
  4. Require Teens to Use Seat Belts. Seat belts reduce the likelihood of death or serious injury in a car accident. Parents should require seat belts every time they practice driving with their teens to get the teenagers into the habit of buckling up and require them to use seat belts once they get their license.
  5. Limit Distractions While Driving. Distractions are a primary cause of car accidents across all age groups, but especially teenagers. Do not allow teens to use their phones while driving, eat or play with the radio.
  6. Avoid Drowsy Driving. Fatigue is another common cause of teen accidents. Early morning and late night driving are most likely to result in drowsy driving. Limit driving during these hours if possible, and work with your teen to establish a schedule that ensures adequate rest if they will be driving.
  7. Discourage Reckless Driving. Make sure your teen knows what reckless driving looks like: speeding, not using turn signals, following too closely, moving in and out of traffic, driving too fast for conditions, etc., and discourage them from taking risky maneuvers behind the wheel.
  8. Adopt a Zero Tolerance Policy for Impaired Driving. Do not allow your teenage driver to get behind the wheel if they have been drinking. Even one beer can impair their ability to drive and result in a deadly accident. Adopt a zero-tolerance policy for drinking and driving and model the behavior yourself.

Eisenberg Law Is Here For You And Your Teen Driver

If your teen driver has been in an accident or is facing the loss of their license, contact the car accident attorneys at Eisenberg Law Offices. We represent drivers throughout Wisconsin to ensure their rights are protected and judgements are fair in driving cases.

Call 608-256-8356 or email [email protected] to arrange a free consultation.

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