Consult Our Madison, WI Accident Attorneys For Help Filing Motorcycle Accident Claims

After our long Wisconsin winters, motorcyclists are eager to explore the freedom of the open road! Unfortunately, as was reported earlier this year, there is a motorcycle accident roughly every 4 hours in Wisconsin.

Motorcycles are inherently dangerous due to their small size and lack of protective features. Add in to the mix, negligent, distracted, drunk, or drugged automobile or truck drivers and the odds are not in favor of the motorcyclist.

In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that motorcyclist deaths occurred 27 times more frequently than deaths in other vehicles and motorcyclists are six times more likely to be injured in a crash than automobile occupants.

Motorcyclists must rely on themselves to stay safe on the road. That means riding sober, wearing a helmet and protective clothing, driving defensively, and obeying all traffic laws. However, even with all these precautions, motorcyclists are still at the mercy of other drivers, many of whom simply don’t see motorcycles.

Motorcycle Insurance

When a motorcycle accident occurs, the effects can be devastating for anyone who was on the bike. Wisconsin requires motorcycle owners to carry bodily injury protection and property damage liability insurance in amounts equal to that of automobile drivers.  They cover the expenses of other people who were injured in an accident for which you are responsible.

Liability insurance limits your exposure to financial hardship by helping to pay for the other person’s injuries, but it does nothing to help pay for any injuries you might receive. Optional add-on coverages like Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UIM) (UM) can help pay for any medical or property damage costs that you yourself incur. They are highly recommended by our Madison WI accident attorneys for the financial support they provide in an accident.

Motorcycle Accident Injury Claims

After an accident, you may file an insurance claim with either your own insurance company or the other person’s insurance company, depending what types of coverage you and the other driver have, and the severity of the damages and injuries Motorcycle insurance claims can be trying. Fault must be determined and injury claims are handled separate from property damage claims.

Regardless of the specific circumstances surrounding the accident, motorcyclists can best position their claims case by: acting quickly, preserving evidence, taking pictures, obtaining witness contact information, following your healthcare team’s treatment plan, and following up with the insurance company.

Don’t be surprised if the process is a hassle. Insurance companies save money by denying claims and making follow-up difficult for people who file claims in the hopes that they’ll give up and drop the claim. Be prepared to present your case and your evidence and be persistent.

If you need help filing a motorcycle accident injury claim or feel that you have been denied benefits unfairly, contact the Madison, WI accident attorneys at Eisenberg Law Offices for help. We can help you file your insurance claim and follow up with the insurer to go get you the compensation you are due.

Contact Eisenberg Law Offices in Madison, WI for a free case consultation by calling 608-200-4057 or emailing