Not All Criminal Defense Lawyers Are Created Equal: How To Find The Right One For Your Situation

If you’ve been charged with a crime, it’s vital to start contacting criminal defense lawyers immediately. That said, don’t hire the first lawyer you talk to without making sure they are appropriately experienced to handle your case. Criminal defense lawyers handle cases that range from misdemeanors to felonies and work at the state and federal level.

What To Look For In Criminal Defense Lawyers

Although you may receive a great referral for a criminal defense lawyer from a friend or family member, make sure that lawyer is right for you. Find an attorney you can trust and feel comfortable talking to. Ask them about:

  1. Experience handling your type of case. White-collar criminal cases are much different than homicides, for example. When choosing a criminal defense lawyer, be sure to ask about their specific experiences and knowledge of cases like yours.
  2. Personal involvement in your case. Find out whether the lawyer will be personally involved in your case. Will the lawyer you hire be handling your case. You need a lawyer who is experienced working with the type of evidence available in your case, such as interviewing witnesses, examining crime scenes, or working with photo or video evidence.
  3. Local experience. Make sure any criminal defense lawyer you hire has experience in the state or county in which you are charged. Ask about their experience with the local court system. How familiar are they with the judges and other attorneys? This knowledge can provide great insights into how your case should be structured.
  4. Approach to cases. Find out how the attorney tends to handle cases. Some criminal defense lawyers like to go to trial, others prefer to strike plea agreements or negotiate a plea to a lesser charge. There is no one best way to handle a case, you just need to make sure you are comfortable with the approach taken by the lawyer you choose.

Interviewing criminal defense lawyers to find the one that is right for you is worth the time and effort involved. Your entire life may be affected by a criminal charge. An experienced criminal defense attorney is your best shot at mounting a strong defense, getting your charges reduced or dismissed, obtaining a less severe punishment, and reducing jail time.

Contact Eisenberg Law Offices For Wisconsin Criminal Defense

If you are in need of an experienced Wisconsin criminal defense lawyer, contact Eisenberg Law Offices at 608-200-3698 or email us at [email protected]. We will bring more than 30 years of criminal defense experience with us to your case.