1210, 2022

Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer Q&A | Eisenberg Law Offices

By |October 12, 2022|blog, Personal Injury|

In Wisconsin, a personal injury lawyer is consulted after there has been an accident and injuries have occurred. The victim of the accident may wonder if negligence was a factor in their accident and consult an injury attorney for advice and guidance. This is a reasonable question to ask since not all accidents qualify as a personal injury case. Below, we take a look at five common questions about personal injury law and provide the answers victims need to determine whether or not their situation is worth discussing with a Wisconsin personal injury lawyer.

2109, 2022

Should I Talk to the Police After an Arrest in Wisconsin

By |September 21, 2022|blog, Criminal Defense|

People who are arrested often wonder “Should I talk to the police?” On the one hand, talking to the police seems like the best way to tell your side of the story, clear up any misunderstandings, and get out of jail sooner. On the other hand, our Wisconsin criminal defense attorneys would advise you to not speak to the police without an attorney present.

1909, 2022

Wisconsin OWI Impact on Insurance | Eisenberg Law

By |September 19, 2022|blog, Criminal Defense|

Operating While Intoxicated, or OWI, is illegal in Wisconsin. Many drivers wonder if an OWI on their record will impact their insurance rates and the answer is Yes. An OWI conviction almost always results in an increase in auto insurance premiums. An OWI conviction will carry other penalties as well, notably the SR22.

1609, 2022

Wisconsin Car Accident Law | Steps To Take After An Accident

By |September 16, 2022|blog, Personal Injury|

No matter what kind of accident you have been involved in, the aftermath can be confusing and busy. The struggles only increase if you have suffered serious injuries or property damage. Despite the challenges, there are several important steps to take after a car accident that will help you if you decide to file an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit.

1409, 2022

Wisconsin Personal Injury Cases | Personal Injury Settlement

By |September 14, 2022|blog, Personal Injury|

Personal injury cases result from accidents or incidents where one person, party, or individual is injured or harmed by the actions of another person, party, or individual. Personal injury law allows the injured party, the plaintiff, to file a lawsuit against the other party, the defendant, in order to obtain compensation for the injuries and harm they have sustained. Victims use this compensation to help pay for medical costs, lost wages, and other losses suffered due to the injury.

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