Drug Charges In College | Wisconsin Drug Defense

College is often a time of freedom and experimentation, pushing boundaries and trying new things. For some students, that includes drugs. However, don't let the fact that you're a student lull you into a false sense of security. You can face drug charges on multiple counts as a student at a Wisconsin college or university.

By |February 3, 2021|

What Are the Laws Around Police Questioning Minors?

Police are allowed to question minors, and sometimes they do so without parents or guardians around. But minors are still protected by laws that can require that police get parental consent depending on the circumstances. If the wrong procedures are followed, the police could end up in legal trouble.

By |January 18, 2021|

How Does an OWI Conviction Affect Insurance in Wisconsin?

When you are convicted on OWI charges, you have more than just a criminal record to worry about. You face fines, potential jail time, and potentially suspension or loss of your driver's license. In addition, you can expect your insurance rates to change. The difference makes it worth trying to fight charges when possible.

By |January 13, 2021|

5 Considerations to Find the Right Criminal Defense Attorney for You

If you are arrested or charged with a crime, your next decisions are critical. Not every criminal defense attorney is right for your case, no matter how good he or she is. Before you hire someone, take the time to make sure that person is the best choice--not for a random, hypothetical case, but for defending you against your charges.

By |January 11, 2021|

Wisconsin Castle Doctrine | Self-Defense Laws

The Wisconsin Castle Doctrine provides civil and criminal protections to property owners who use force against intruders in order to protect themselves, their family or guests, or their property from serious harm. Specifically, the doctrine states that "someone in their home, business or motor vehicle has no duty to retreat from an attack or intruder, and presumes the use of force is reasonable to prevent death or serious harm."

By |January 4, 2021|

Why You Need to Choose Your Criminal Defense Attorney Carefully

If you've been charged with a crime, you should start looking for a criminal defense attorney immediately. However, that doesn't mean you should hire the very first attorney you see. Sometimes being hasty and rushing the process to find an attorney is the wrong way to go, and you end up with inadequate legal representation.

By |December 18, 2020|
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