Addiction and Legal Concerns With Prescription Pain Killers

All of the media coverage of the opioid epidemic in America can be overwhelming. If you become addicted to these medications, you may start to seek more and risk drug charges being filed against you. Be careful with how you take these medications to avoid legal and health problems developing for you.

By |December 14, 2020|

Your Rights When the Police Pull You Over

If you have ever been pulled over, you know how intimidating the moment can be. The officer might give you instructions, ask questions, and generally make you feel like you have no choices. The good news is that you do have rights when the police stop your vehicle. Understanding these rights can help you protect yourself.

By |December 11, 2020|

How You Can Defend Against a Drug Possession Charge

Drug charges are serious, and you don't want to be held responsible for drugs that weren't yours, especially if you didn't even realize they were around. Finding out that someone has stashed drugs on you purposefully but without your knowledge, or finding out when you borrowed someone's car that they had left some drugs inside, can be nerve-wracking. All is not lost, however; you have a number of defenses available depending on how the drugs were discovered.

By |November 18, 2020|

Zero Tolerance for Underage DUI in Wisconsin

You know drinking under the age of 21 is illegal. Different states prosecute this in different ways. Wisconsin applies a zero tolerance standard for underage drinking and driving. If you or your child is between ages 15 and 20 and caught driving with any alcohol in his or her system, the consequences are both immediate and severe. You will want to talk to an attorney right away to help protect your legal rights.

By |November 13, 2020|

Dealing With An Arrest Warrant in Wisconsin

Sometimes you can find yourself in legal trouble without even knowing it. If you have an outstanding arrest warrant, you may not know about it until the police have picked you up. Before you know it, you are facing questioning and sometimes charged with a crime. If you find yourself dealing with an arrest warrant in Wisconsin, you need an experienced defense lawyer right away.

By |November 11, 2020|
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