Always Seek Legal Help After an OWI

An OWI often feels like a settled issue from the moment you get your ticket. Before you just accept your fate, you should know what you face. The penalties for an OWI are steep. If you work with an experienced OWI attorney, you have the chance to reduce or sometimes even eliminate those penalties. Before you give in, consult an attorney for help with your case.

By |July 12, 2021|

Drug Conviction Impact On Student Aid In Wisconsin

A Drug Conviction Will Make An Impact On Student Aid Government-backed financial aid is a must for many college students in Wisconsin. Student aid can help cover the cost of tuition, books and fees, and other expenses, but obtaining that aid means meeting certain eligibility requirements. The Free Application for [...]

By |July 5, 2021|

Driving in Wisconsin? You Just Agreed to a Drug Test – and You Shouldn’t Refuse

Wisconsin has an implied-consent law for drug testing drivers. If you operate a vehicle in the state and are pulled over and arrested, the law-enforcement officer has the right to require a drug test from you. Because the state has determined that you've given consent merely by operating the vehicle, you should not refuse this requirement. Doing so could open you up to additional charges.

By |June 18, 2021|

Understanding and Defending Mail Fraud in Wisconsin

Mail fraud is a serious offense, whether at the state or federal level. In Wisconsin, the state classifies mail fraud as a Class H felony. An arrest and conviction bring you up to 6 years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine. If you are charged with mail fraud, you need to find an experienced criminal defense attorney right away.

By |June 14, 2021|

Facing Armed Robbery Charges in Wisconsin

Wisconsin, like every state, pays special attention to prosecuting and punishing violent crimes. Armed robbery is an example; by its very nature, it includes at least the threat of violence while carrying out the crime. If you are charged with armed robbery, you need to know what it means, and then get a good criminal defense attorney to defend you.

By |June 11, 2021|

Property Seizure | Wisconsin Drug Crime Cases

Conviction for a drug crime in Wisconsin often includes punishments such as imprisonment and fines, but sometimes it also includes property seizure. Property seizure, or forfeiture, means the government obtains control of the assets forever.

By |June 4, 2021|
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