When To Call Madison WI Accident Attorneys For A Wrongful Death Case
Losing a loved one under any circumstances is heartbreaking. However, wondering if you need to contact accident attorneys because you believe you have a wrongful death case can be devastating. If you are considering filing a wrongful death case, your first step should be to contact qualified attorneys in Wisconsin to understand your rights.
Who Is Eligible To File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit?
One of the biggest questions your attorney will answer for you is whether you have the authority to file a wrongful death suit on someone else’s behalf. Some laws will vary slightly from state to state, but in most situations, there are certain criteria that must be met before a wrongful death suit can be filed.
You Must Be An Immediate Family Member
Your attorney will specify how direct your relationship must be to the deceased in order to file a claim. In Wisconsin, the law provides that the spouse and children of the deceased are eligible to file a suit. Additionally, in some cases, siblings and even grandparents may have the right to make a claim as well.
Evidence Of Suffering And/Or Damages
In order to file a wrongful death claim in the state of Wisconsin, you must present evidence that you have suffered or incurred damages from the event. Emotional distress, loss of society and companionship, and loss of economic support are all potentially compensable.
Talk With Our Leading Attorneys Today To Learn More About Your Rights
Even if you meet the requirements needed to file a wrongful death suit or claim, you must also adhere to your region’s specific statute of limitations. A team of leading Madison WI accident attorneys at Eisenberg Law Offices will have the information and insight you need to make sure you fall within that specific range.
Still have questions about the circumstances surrounding your loved one’s death? Contact Eisenberg Law Offices today to connect with one of our attorneys for a free consultation.