Drivers Fleeing from Officers in Wisconsin

No one ever wants to get pulled over. If you see a police car's lights behind you, you still have to stop. If you do not, you will face penalties that depend not only on what you do, but on what happens next. To avoid significant penalties on top of your ticket, make sure you cooperate with the police on the road.

By |March 15, 2021|

Is Your Battery Charge a Misdemeanor or a Felony?

A battery charge in Wisconsin depends on two elements: an intent to cause bodily harm and the actual bodily harm that occurs. Whether the state charges the crime as a misdemeanor or a felony depends on how much harm you cause. No matter what level of battery charge you face, you need an experienced criminal attorney to defend you.

By |March 12, 2021|

Bail Jumping Penalties | Wisconsin Bail System

The Wisconsin legal system operates under the assumption of innocence until proven guilty. Due to this system, offenders may be released from jail after their arrest but before they see a judge or have a trial. In many cases, there are conditions associated with their release, which may include bail.

By |March 5, 2021|

Consequences of Theft Charges in Wisconsin

Getting arrested for theft in Wisconsin carries significant repercussions for you. You probably expect this. What you might not realize is how broad theft can be. Understanding the nature of the crime, and the consequences a conviction brings, is important for anyone at risk of arrest. If you have been charged with a theft crime, you should consult an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately.

By |February 12, 2021|

How to Defend Against Disorderly Conduct Charges

If you are in an emotional or excitable situation, it may not take long for things to get out of hand. A potential catchall crime Wisconsin police may apply is "disorderly conduct." All it takes is a complaint and a police decision for you to be charged. If you face disorderly conduct charges, you should contact a lawyer immediately.

By |February 10, 2021|
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