Wisconsin’s Definition of Domestic Violence

What is Domestic Violence in the state of Wisconsin? The term "domestic violence" brings to mind physical attacks on a spouse, but in Wisconsin, the definition applies to a wider range of behavior and relationships. It's vital that people be able to recognize what counts as domestic violence in Wisconsin [...]

By |June 17, 2020|

Do You Need an Attorney after Your Child’s Juvenile Arrest?

If your child has been arrested, you undoubtedly have questions. The juvenile justice system in Wisconsin is complicated, and the impact on your child is real. Whether he or she is tried as an adult or a juvenile, you do not want to go it alone. Finding the right attorney is critical to your child's present and future.

By |June 12, 2020|

How to Respond to False Shoplifting Allegations

Stores lose billions of dollars of merchandise every year to shoplifters. It is no wonder that they are pushing aggressive tactics to prevent or recover those losses. Still, if you have done nothing wrong, facing accusations from a large retailer can be intimidating and frustrating. When they press too hard against you, you can get support from an experienced attorney.

By |June 10, 2020|

Bar Fights And Assault Charges In Wisconsin

There is solid evidence that alcohol plays a part in violent altercations in Wisconsin. Many bar fights have started after a few drinks, even over something as innocuous as bumping into another person. Although it seems like bar fights could easily be avoided, alcohol-clouded judgment and high-running emotions can quickly turn a simple misunderstanding into a physical altercation that might lead to an arrest and even result in a battery charge.

By |June 3, 2020|

What Can I Do if I Don’t Like My Defense Lawyer?

Firing a lawyer from a case seems like a common occurrence, but it's not as easy as the news makes it sound. In many cases, you can change your defense lawyer if you feel your current one is not working toward your best interest, but it's not always possible. If you've already gotten a defense lawyer and now want to change who is representing you, the effect of the change on the case's schedule may determine whether the change is possible.

By |May 20, 2020|

When Sleeping in Your Car Becomes an OWI

Going out to drink can create problems for you if you try to drive home. Your best case is to have a designated driver or call a taxi or ride service. Sometimes, you might decide to just sleep it off in your car. This will not always protect you from an OWI charge. If you do try to sleep it off, you will need to take extra steps to protect yourself.

By |May 15, 2020|
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