What is Domestic Violence in the state of Wisconsin?

The term “domestic violence” brings to mind physical attacks on a spouse, but in Wisconsin, the definition applies to a wider range of behavior and relationships. It’s vital that people be able to recognize what counts as domestic violence in Wisconsin because this behavior needs to be reported and stopped, rather than ignored as a “family matter.”

Domestic Versus Non-Domestic

First, domestic violence refers to that which happens between spouses or significant others, ex-spouses, or adult members of the same household. It can also occur between adults who have children together, regardless of residential status. This does not mean that abuse can’t occur between other people, but rather that Wisconsin merely applies the term “domestic violence” to these particular situations.

Domestic violence doesn’t have to actually occur at home as the term refers more to the relationship between the parties involved and not the location in which the behavior occurred. Spousal abuse that happens in a parking lot, for example, can still be considered domestic violence.

More Than Just Physical Violence

In Wisconsin, domestic violence does include the non-sexual physical abuse and sexual assault that most people associate with the term. But it can also cover threats of harm, too, even if those threats don’t turn into physical attacks. The State Bar of Wisconsin and the National Coalition of Domestic Violence include emotional abuse in their definitions of the crime.

Accusations of domestic violence should be investigated, but as with all charges, sometimes the accusations aren’t correct. It is also possible for an abuser to use domestic violence charges as a tool of abuse, falsely claiming that the person they have been abusing is really the person responsible for the abuse.

Charges of domestic violence can be difficult to fight, and if you’re facing a legal battle, you must have good representation. Contact Eisenberg Law Offices at 608-256-8356 to discuss your case.

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