Personal Injury

Recovering Damages for Beach Injuries

For many of you, spring and summer weather means it's time to go to the beach. While the fun and sun are wonderful, sometimes injuries will happen. In those cases, it can be difficult to find compensation for those injuries. You need experienced legal help to identify the causes and recover damages for beach injuries.

By |May 10, 2021|

Landlord Responsibility for Accidents on Rental Property

When you rent your home, you might wonder who is responsible for accidents that occur there. After all, you likely carry renter's insurance for the contents of the house or apartment, but not broader homeowner's insurance. This is because, most of the time, the owner or landlord is responsible for accidents that problems with the property cause.

By |May 7, 2021|

Factors That Affect The Reliability Of Eyewitness Testimony In A Car Accident

The reliability of eyewitness testimony is an important factor in how and if it is used in a court case. Plaintiffs and defense attorneys want to present accurate, honest testimony that will help their cases. This makes it imperative for witness testimony to be scrutinized by attorneys prior to being presented in court. If eyewitness testimony is found to be inaccurate, it may hurt a case more than help it.

By |May 5, 2021|

Call The Police | Car Accident In Wisconsin

When a car accident results in injuries or serious property damage, drivers know to call the police. But what if the accident is minor and no one appears to be injured? Is it still necessary to call the police for "fender-benders"?

By |May 3, 2021|

You Will Need Legal Representation After a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accidents can be particularly devastating because riders have little exterior protection. As a result, medical costs and associated charges as the person recovers, especially if they may not be able to work, may be much higher, and insurance policies may not cover the entire cost. Lawsuits over these costs can be more contentious than you might expect. To increase your chances of getting proper compensation, you must have a lawyer helping you.

By |April 16, 2021|

Survival Actions for a Loved One’s Death

If you have lost a loved one in an accident, you might consider bringing a lawsuit against those responsible. One consideration, though, is whose damages you are looking to recover. How you answer this question determines who can sue and what you may recover. In the end, an experienced personal injury attorney can help you understand your rights and the best course for your situation.

By |April 9, 2021|
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