Personal Injury

Avoid Bike Accident Injuries In Madison, WI | Bike Safety

Madison, WI is one of the most bike-friendly cities in the Midwest. The city offers a bike-sharing program, is continually investing in new bike trails, and promotes commuting by bike. Unfortunately, increased bike riding equates to an increase in automobile-bicycle accidents and bike accident injuries.

By |April 2, 2021|

Big Rigs and Semi Trucks Can Cause Devastating Accidents Each Year

Whether you call them semis or big rigs, large trucks are one of the bigger dangers on the road. This is not necessarily because of the truck drivers, but because of the nature of these large trucks and how they respond to the driver's control. Combine these heavy vehicles with smaller cars zipping around them, and you have a problem. When these trucks are in accidents, it can be difficult to tell whether the driver, truck manufacturer, or another vehicle or driver were at fault. What is clear, however, is that the aftermath of the accident can be long-lasting.

By |March 17, 2021|

Technology and Distracted Driving

You know not to text and drive. You may even be using technology to get around the problems of distracted driving. Unfortunately, these can create their own problems if you let them. Focusing on technology instead of the road is still distracted driving. Don't let your anti-distraction technology pull your attention away from the road.

By |March 10, 2021|

Dangers on Rural Roads in Wisconsin

When you think of driving accidents, you likely worry about interstate highways. On a sheer volume and velocity basis, this makes sense. Still, rural roads create dangers very different from what you see on main roads and highways. If you or other drivers aren't careful, you can find yourself in accidents more damaging than in the areas you might expect.

By |March 8, 2021|

Parents Are Liable In Car Accidents

Parents are nervous enough once their teenagers start driving, when a car accident is caused by a teen driver, their anxiety can be compounded by worries about injuries and accident liability. They have good reason to worry since it is possible for parents to be liable for the accident in Wisconsin.

By |March 3, 2021|

How to Avoid Accidental Injuries in the Winter

Winter brings the fun of snow to Wisconsin. In addition, it brings special dangers if you are not careful. Slip-and-fall injuries, driving accidents, and hypothermia are some of the risks you face throughout the winter months. Follow these steps to avoid injuries when the snow and ice come.

By |February 8, 2021|
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