Personal Injury

Recovering Damages for Injuries After a Slip and Fall in a Store

When you go shopping, you probably take one of two approaches. Some people look around to decide what to buy, while others know what they want and head straight for it. In either case, though, you aren't necessarily looking for hidden dangers on the floor. At times, a slippery or cluttered floor at a retail store can lead to injuries. If the store is at fault for your slip and fall, you can recover damages for these in-store injuries.

By |December 9, 2019|

How to Respond to Vacation Injuries

If you've suffered injuries on vacation, take these steps Going on vacation should give you time to relax and recuperate from the stress of work and home life. Whether you get into an accident on the road or where you are staying, an injury frustrates your entire trip. If you [...]

By |December 6, 2019|

Wisconsin Car Accident Attorney | Fault In A Car Accident

Wisconsin operates under a tort system when it comes to car accidents. That means that in a car accident, fault must be established; someone must be held responsible for the accident. If you've been involved in an automobile accident, consultation with a Wisconsin car accident attorney can help determine your legal options and whether you are responsible for the accident or are a victim.

By |December 2, 2019|

Here’s What You Need to Ask When You See a Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal injury lawyers are known for having free initial consultations. These meetings give you a chance to discuss your case and its potential outcome without putting a dent in your budget. This prevents you from losing money on an appointment if you find out that your case wouldn't go very far in court or you don't like the attorney. You need to take advantage of that appointment and really make sure the attorney is the one you want to work with on your case. That means asking specific questions.

By |November 13, 2019|

How to Avoid Aggressive Driving

Everyone has been on the road with aggressive drivers. Whether you are dealing with road rage or just impatience, drivers go faster than they should and make dangerous maneuvers to try to get from point A to point B faster than you. Unfortunately, this leads to accidents every day. Learn to avoid aggressive driving yourself, and to protect yourself from others who drive badly.

By |November 8, 2019|

Will My Personal Injury Case Get to Trial?

People are injured in Wisconsin every day. Some of these injuries create minor inconveniences, but some change lives forever. In either case, trials over personal injuries have become the exception rather than the rule. If you have been injured, you should understand that your case will likely settle. Until it does, though, you must prepare as though you will go to trial.

By |November 6, 2019|
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