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Do I Need a Lawyer if I'm Being Investigated by Police in Wisconsin?

Get a Criminal Defense Lawyer if being investigated by police in Wisconsin – before you talk to the police! A police investigation can be a nerve-wracking experience, and if the police in Wisconsin are actually investigating you, you need a lawyer. It is only natural that you’d want to talk to the police and prove to them that you’re not the person they’re looking for, but that puts you at more risk than you might realize. Even if you are not guilty of whatever crime...

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Opioid Use in Wisconsin: Heroin and Prescription Painkillers A Growing Concern

Arrested for Opioids in Wisconsin?  What should you do? Opioid addiction and abuse has emerged as one of the great health crises of our time. According to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, opioids were responsible for 827 deaths in the state in 2016–more than the death toll from car accidents. They are powerful and addictive, and can create problems through overdoses, addiction, and impairment. If you or a loved one is struggling with opioid addiction, you should seek...

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Marijuana-Related DUI In Wisconsin Defense Options

Driving While Under The Influence Of Marijuana May Lead To A DUI In Wisconsin As states have approved marijuana for recreational use, the courts have seen an increase in marijuana cases – particularly in states like Wisconsin where marijuana has not been approved for recreational use. In Wisconsin, marijuana use is still against the law and the penalties for driving while under the influence of marijuana are high. In fact, driving while under the influence of marijuana can lead to a...

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Conviction for juvenile crimes do not have to ruin one's life

Juvenile crimes in Wisconsin – how to protect your future Conviction for a juvenile crime is serious, but it does not have to be the end of the world for you. Wisconsin courts consider extenuating circumstances, including your behavior before and after the crime. This gives you an opportunity to show to the court that you may deserve more lenient sentencing. Courts in Wisconsin look not only at the type of crime, but also the life of the person who was convicted of committing that...

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The Guide to Understanding Bail in Wisconsin

How is Bail determined in Wisconsin? If you are arrested in Wisconsin, your ability to get out of jail before your trial is based on the bail statute. Simply put, bail is what you have to pay to get out of jail between your arrest and being convicted. Whether you are eligible depends on a number of factors, with the court holding a great deal of discretion. How Bail Is Set After you are arrested, you first have to attend your Initial Appearance. This is where the judge determines the...

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