Consider more than just cost when hiring a defense attorney in Madison WI
When you seek legal representation for your defense, unless you are independently wealthy, the cost of the service probably matters to you. But finding that cost will depend on not only the lawyers’ hourly rates; the time required and the steps taken in your defense all are important factors. In the end, you have to weigh not only the billing rates, but also the quality of representation and what you stand to lose.
Understanding Billing Rates
If all you worry about is how much you pay for each hour of your attorney’s time, it should be relatively easy to determine. You would just shop around, gather billing rates, and pick the lowest one. In reality, the hourly rate tells you little about the final defense costs. An experienced attorney can often directly pull current research that a newer attorney would need hours to gather. He or she will understand your case, as well as the court system and opposing attorney. All of this can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars in defense costs.
The Value of Experience
Beyond pricing, you also must take time to consider what your case is worth to you. In a civil case, you may have a large loss that looms if you do not prevail in court. Before you elect a less expensive but less qualified attorney, you need to look at what you stand to lose.
In a criminal case, the situation can be more dire. A less experienced attorney operates as a liability against a career prosecutor. You want someone who understands your defense prospects. Losing months or years off of your life, to say nothing of losing your good name in the community, matters and should weigh in to your decision.
In Madison, Wisconsin, you have many options for legal representation. You should meet with the experienced attorneys at Eisenberg Law Offices. We will discuss in a free initial consultation your costs and options, as well as your exposure should you lose your case. Take the time to make the right choice for your defense.