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Month: June 2017

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim in Wisconsin?

What is the Deadline for filing Personal Injury claim in Wisconsin? If you are injured in Wisconsin, you cannot wait indefinitely before you bring your claim. The state imposes statutes of limitation, or legal limits on the time between when you are injured and when you can file a claim. This protects both you and those responsible for injuries, but it can be tricky to navigate. Reasons for Statutes of Limitation One immutable truth about people is that memories fade over time. You may...

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Can I Appeal a Court Decision or Judgment?

Appeal a Court Decision in Madison WI Sometimes a trial leads to a verdict with which you do not agree. A jury will not always find in your favor, even if it seems like you should win your case. But what can you do if you feel strongly that the court got it wrong? In some situations, an appeal can help you get the legal relief you need. The Facts Cannot Support the Verdict The trial court, whether you are in a criminal or civil case, is responsible for hearing and interpreting the facts...

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Can I Sue for Boating Accident Injuries?

Wisconsin Boating Accident – can you sue? Boating season in Wisconsin brings excitement to explore the waterways. Unfortunately, the season also brings injuries: in 2016, for example, Wisconsin saw 108 boating accidents that led to 74 accidents and 21 deaths. If you are injured in a boating accident because someone else was negligent, you have a right to recover damages. Injuries as the Boat Operator When you operate a boat, you must prove that the other boat operator bears greater...

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Forgery Laws Explained By A Criminal Attorney In Madison WI

Wisconsin Forgery Laws As Explained By A Criminal Attorney In Madison WI In Wisconsin, forgery is defined as creating, altering, using, or possessing a false document with the intention of defrauding someone. It is a serious crime in the state, with penalties ranging from misdemeanors to felonies. What Constitutes Forgery? Forgery can exist under many different circumstances and include many different kinds of documents such as those that symbolize values, rights, or forms of identification....

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When To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney | Madison WI Lawyers

Instances When You Need To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney In Madison WI Accidents happen. Sometimes they are minor or of our own doing, and no further action is necessary. At other times, the accidents should never have happened in the first place.  They disrupt your life beyond belief and are the result of someone else’s negligence. These types of accidents require the advice of a personal injury attorney in Madison, WI. Once the shock and immediacy of the accident wears off and...

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