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Should I Sue If My Child Is Injured at Daycare?

Madison Personal Injury Lawyer explains Negligent Supervision – Daycare Injuries If your child was hurt while at a daycare center, it may have crossed your mind to sue the center. Whether or not suing would be a good idea depends on whether the center acted in a way that would qualify as negligent supervision or constitute negligent conduct. However, determining whether the staff’s behavior is negligent is not cut and dried.  A Madison Personal Injury Lawyer can help you determine...

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Tis the Season for Slip and Falls – Who's Liable?

Slip and Fall Injury Attorneys will determine liability Slip and fall injuries occur all the time–particularly in the winters of Madison, Wisconsin. When you suffer a serious injury due to someone else’s negligence, you have a right to recover damages and compensation. But from whom do you seek it? Liability for your slip and fall injury will depend on the circumstances of your accident: how it happened, what caused it, and whether you could have avoided it. Your slip and fall...

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Personal Injury Madison – Using Your Smartphone as a Post-Accident Tool

Document your car accident for Personal Injury Attorneys Most people today use smartphones every day. You may use yours primarily for phone calls, texts, and web surfing, but if you are in a car accident, it can become a powerful tool for your personal injury attorneys. You can use it to find and gather information and to get a head start on all the paperwork and hassles that can sometimes follow. Instead of waiting to see what happens next, you can and should take an active approach. Pictures...

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Can I Sue If I Slip on My Neighbor's Icy Sidewalk?

Slip and Fall on Ice – can I sue? Ice is the bane of many people’s existence, especially if they’ve ever slipped on it. Sometimes ice just happens, and you have to be careful. But sometimes ice is present because of someone else’s neglect, and you can get reimbursed for your medical costs and pain and suffering if you can prove liability. However, proving liability in weather-related slip-and-fall cases can be tricky, and you need a Madison WI lawyer to help you put...

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Should You Hire A Madison Personal Injury Attorney?

Which Madison Personal Injury Attorney is right for you? If you have been injured, it probably did not take long for you to start receiving mail from attorneys all over the state and even beyond. You might move between wanting to choose one of those firms and wanting to throw away every new letter or postcard you receive. The truth is, you need legal representation when you have suffered a serious injury. But choosing the right personal injury attorney in Madison WI can make all the difference...

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