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Author: Mark Eisenberg

Talking to Police After a Traffic Accident

Use caution when talking to authorities after a car accident After a traffic accident, the police will want to take your statement. This can create anxiety if you don’t know how much to share. While you want to be courteous, you don’t want to undercut your own claim for recovery. What you say can impact the value of any recovery you have. Make sure you don’t overshare when the police start to ask questions. Talk When the Other Driver Is at Fault Some accidents leave...

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Date Rape Charges In Wisconsin | Eisenberg Law Offices

The Two Most Common Defenses To Date Rape Charges In Wisconsin Date rape is considered a sex crime in Wisconsin, which means that date rape charges can result in hefty penalties if a conviction is obtained. These cases are usually very emotional and complex because the two parties generally know one another, and the circumstances surrounding the event require a close look at what is usually a very private part of a person’s life. There is a tendency for those facing rape charges to...

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Recognizing Prescription Drug Fraud

Protect your rights if you’ve been charged with prescription drug fraud Prescription drug abuse continues to take a massive toll on society, fueled in part by prescription drug fraud. Obtaining these drugs through illegal means is unfortunately very common, and in many cases, rather easy. Both patients and doctors can commit this type of crime. It can be difficult to defend yourself against charges of prescription drug fraud, and it helps to know what this crime entails so that you have...

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4 Common Types of Computer Crimes

Computer crimes that can get you into serious trouble In today’s world, much of the criminal activity occurs not in the streets, but behind a computer screen. Many crimes now occur from afar, with the authorities putting the pieces together with forensic analysis to retrace criminals’ steps. These have become big problems in Wisconsin and across the country. 1. Viruses and Malware Computer programs and apps rely on coding to function properly. Unfortunately, very smart programmers...

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Defending Wire Fraud Charges

If you’ve been charged with Wire Fraud, get an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Wire fraud is a federal crime that can get you into serious trouble. Some of the factors involved are complicated, so you may not understand the charges when you receive them. Rather than trying to go it alone or work with an inexperienced attorney, you should look for someone who understands not only the elements of the crime, but how to defend you in federal court. Defining Wire Fraud Fraud is...

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