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Author: Mark Eisenberg

Is Possessing Drug Paraphernalia a Crime in Wisconsin?

Can I be arrested for drug paraphernalia in Wisconsin? You might think merely possessing drug paraphernalia like a pipe or decorative bong would be legal as long as you weren’t using it or selling it, but that’s not always the case. Both Wisconsin and federal law have strict statutes against possession of drug paraphernalia with the intent to use, but because your real intent might not always be clear, you could find yourself in trouble. Intent to Use The real question regarding...

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Are There Alternatives to Jail for Drug Offenders in Wisconsin?

Drug diversion and treatment alternatives instead of jail time Treatment Alternatives and Diversion programs (TAD programs) help drug offenders receive treatment instead of locking them away. Drug crimes vary in severity, and some, such as distribution or smuggling, can land you in prison. However, if you were convicted only of possession or using drugs, jail and prison may not be the best places for you. Instead, treatment could be what you need, and in Wisconsin, it is possible to be placed...

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Beat Domestic Violence Charges | Wisconsin Abuse Attorney

Beat Domestic Violence Charges in Wisconsin With Help From Eisenberg Law Even though domestic violence charges do not always lead to a conviction, they can still wreak havoc with your life. As soon as you are charged with domestic violence in Wisconsin, you may face suspicion.  Friends and neighbors may start to avoid you, a no-contact order may be entered, and you might even be prevented from seeing your kids or living in your own home. If you are convicted, the repercussions are even...

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What Happens if You’re Caught Using a Fake ID?

Using a Fake ID can lead to serious charges and penalties A fake ID is one that isn’t yours but that you’re using as your own ID. This can be a totally fake, manufactured ID with your picture but different personal information, or it could be a legitimate ID that belongs to someone else that you’re presenting as your own. In both cases your use of the ID is illegal as it’s a form of misrepresentation, specifically “falsification of proof of age,” that allows...

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Wisconsin’s Occupational Driver’s License Restrictions

4 Facts About Wisconsin’s Occupational Driver’s License Receiving a DUI in Wisconsin is easier than you might expect. The state’s BAC limit is just .08%. That is low enough that two  drinks with dinner could be enough to put you over the limit. If you are pulled over, and the alcohol is still in your system, you can get a DUI and may lose your driver’s license, at least temporarily, and even longer if convicted. Losing your license can have a ripple effect on...

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