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Author: Mark Eisenberg

Potential Defenses Against OWI Charges in Wisconsin

Here are some possible defenses against OWI charges in Wisconsin Operating while intoxicated (OWI) is a serious charge that can lead to the suspension of your license along with fines and potential jail time. While no one wants chronically intoxicated drivers on the road, you likely aren’t too happy about the prospect of losing your driving privileges and freedom if your arrest was based on faulty or dodgy evidence. Should you find yourself facing charges of OWI in court, you still have...

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Can You Actually Be Charged With “Boating While Intoxicated”?

Is Boating Under the Influence in Wisconsin really a thing? Operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is considered operating while intoxicated, or OWI, in Wisconsin. This includes boat operation, as a boat is technically a vehicle that you guide by operating controls. However, boating while drunk or drugged carries a separate charge called “Boating Under the Influence,” or BUI. The BUI charge is similar in some ways to an OWI. What Is Considered “Boating...

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What Is a Disorderly Conduct with a Firearm Charge and What Can You Do to Fight It?

Disorderly Conduct (with possession of a Firearm) is a Serious charge A charge of disorderly conduct with a firearm is serious, not just because of the nature of the crime, but also because you’re actually facing a charge with the option of added penalties. In Wisconsin, there’s no specific charge of disorderly conduct with a firearm, but there is a disorderly conduct charge and the ability to assign additional penalties for the use of a dangerous weapon. This combination can get...

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Underage OWI Laws in Wisconsin | Eisenberg Law Offices

Underage OWI Laws in Wisconsin Underage OWI is something no parent wants to consider, but the fact of the matter is it happens. Wisconsin teens who are old enough to drive but not yet old enough to legally consume alcohol can be charged with OWI if they are caught drinking and driving and the consequences are severe. How Underage OWI Laws Differ from Adult OWI Laws Minors and adults are treated differently in many legal situations, but not with drunk driving and OWI is no different....

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Direct and Circumstantial Evidence in Criminal Cases

Evidence can make or break a criminal case, and anyone facing a criminal trial needs to know how different types of evidence could affect the outcome – and how that evidence needs to be collected and presented. Two main types of evidence are admissible in court: direct and circumstantial. If the evidence is not presented well and doesn’t meet standards that would show it’s reliable, that can take the court case in unexpected directions. Direct evidence shows that someone really...

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