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Author: Steve Eisenberg

You Will Need Legal Representation After a Motorcycle Accident

Talk to a personal injury attorney after a motorcycle accident to help protect your rights Motorcycle accidents can be particularly devastating because riders have little exterior protection. As a result, medical costs and associated charges as the person recovers, especially if they may not be able to work, may be much higher, and insurance policies may not cover the entire cost. Lawsuits over these costs can be more contentious than you might expect. To increase your chances of getting proper...

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Survival Actions for a Loved One’s Death

Is it better to pursue a Wrongful Death case or a Survivor Action case? If you have lost a loved one in an accident, you might consider bringing a lawsuit against those responsible. One consideration, though, is whose damages you are looking to recover. How you answer this question determines who can sue and what you may recover. In the end, an experienced personal injury attorney can help you understand your rights and the best course for your situation. Wrongful Death A wrongful death...

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4 Factors for Determining Your Car Accident Settlement

These factors will impact your Car Accident Settlement When you are involved in a serious car accident, you need to get treatment for your injuries, deal with the property damage, and find a path forward. If someone else caused the accident, part of that path is compensation for your damages. Many factors go in to whether you can receive compensation, and how much you might receive. A personal injury attorney can help you navigate those factors and get the settlement you deserve. 1. Evidence...

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Avoid Bike Accident Injuries In Madison, WI | Bike Safety

Staying Safe on the Roads in Bike-Friendly Madison, WI Madison, WI is one of the most bike-friendly cities in the Midwest. The city offers a bike-sharing program, is continually investing in new bike trails, and promotes commuting by bike. Unfortunately, increased bike riding equates to an increase in automobile-bicycle accidents and bike accident injuries. Bike accident injuries are especially concerning because bicyclists are completely exposed and, other than a bike helmet, are entirely...

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Big Rigs and Semi Trucks Can Cause Devastating Accidents Each Year

What to know if you’ve been injured in an accident involving a semi truck Whether you call them semis or big rigs, large trucks are one of the bigger dangers on the road. This is not necessarily because of the truck drivers, but because of the nature of these large trucks and how they respond to the driver’s control. Combine these heavy vehicles with smaller cars zipping around them, and you have a problem. When these trucks are in accidents, it can be difficult to tell whether...

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