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Author: Steve Eisenberg

How to Determine if Someone Was Truly Negligent

In a Personal Injury case, how do you determine if someone was negligent? When you consider suing someone for negligence that caused a personal injury, you have to be sure they were truly negligent. Not only is there a distinction between negligence and intention, but there’s also a difference between negligence and a lack of knowledge. A court isn’t going to want to penalize someone who truly did not know they were supposed to do something or not do something, and someone who...

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Car Accident Myths | Car Accident in Wisconsin Advice

Been in a Car Accident in Wisconsin? Don’t Fall for These Myths Being involved in a car accident in Wisconsin is alarming enough. The last thing you want to do is compound your worry by buying into myths about car accidents. Below, we debunk 5 common car accident myths so you can navigate the aftermath of an accident with confidence. 5 Common Car Accident Myths Myth #1: The Police Will Determine Fault. This is not true. Police reports are used to record the facts of the accident:...

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How Negligence Affects Motorcycle Personal Injury Cases

Understanding negligence in a motor cycle accident is critical to collecting damages Negligence on the part of both parties can affect a personal injury case. This is especially important to remember when dealing with a motorcycle accident as the consequences of that negligence can be more severe; if the person who was hit was also partly at fault, that can reduce the award the person is entitled to. Being partly negligent does not mean you should never file a claim, but it does mean you and...

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Using Social Media After a Car Accident

Use social media with caution after a car accident Social media activity is a part of everyday life. If something significant happens to you, you might be tempted to immediately post about it: your thoughts, emotions, and any pictures you have. When that something is a car accident, you need to be cautious. Anything you post can become evidence an insurer uses to deny or defend against your claim. Keep your posting to a minimum to protect your recovery. Direct Evidence Against You The...

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Recovering for Broken Bones in Truck Accidents

Suffering broken bones in a truck accident can have long term impact When you get into a truck accident, injuries happen. Even if it isn’t a catastrophic injury, you may suffer broken bones that impact your life for long after the accident. You might consider it fortunate to just suffer broken bones, but these are serious too. If you’ve been in a truck accident and broken a bone, you should seek medical and legal help afterward. Broken Bones Are Serious Injuries Some truck...

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