Get help with your medical bills after a personal injury
If you are in an accident in Wisconsin, one worry you face comes in the form of growing medical bills. In many cases, the hospital will not immediately bill your insurance company, leaving you looking at numbers that seem terrifying. Fortunately, you can find help with your personal injury medical bills. We work regularly with hospitals and insurers to help our injured clients find peace of mind.
Medical Bills After an Accident
When you receive your first medical bills after an accident, you may be in for some shock. Medical costs are higher than ever in the United States, in Wisconsin and everywhere else. And the hospital may not directly bill your insurance after an accident. It may want a higher payment than the negotiated amount your insurer provides, and hope that your accident settlement will reimburse for the full billed amount.
Unfortunately, you must pay your medical bills, and if you do not make payments on them, they can get sent to a collections agency while you wait for a settlement or trial. The medical bills can hurt your credit before you even think to respond.
Protecting Your Rights
Fortunately, as your Madison accident attorneys, we can help. We work with hospitals and insurers to help you get the bills routed for coverage. If you win your case or receive a settlement, the insurer will get reimbursed for what it pays. But this works in your favor in two important ways. First, it prevents you from going deep into debt while you wait for a settlement, and prevents you from accepting a settlement far lower than you deserve. Second, your recovery comes not in the amount an insurer paid, but for the reasonable or actual cost of medical care. After the insurer recovers what it paid, any additional amounts go to you.
If you are in an accident, you need a Madison accident attorney who will help you understand and protect your right to recovery. Contact Eisenberg Law Offices today to get the help you deserve.