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Year: 2019

Back Injuries After A Vehicle Accident | Car Crash Injury

Back Injuries Are Common After A Vehicle Accident Most of the time, a vehicle accident comes as a surprise. In the grip of the adrenaline rush that follows, it’s not uncommon for accident victims to feel fine and, as a result, spend more time worrying about the damage to the cars than the damage to their bodies. But once that adrenaline wears off, even the most minor of accidents can leave a person in pain. Some of the most common car accident injuries occur to the back and they can...

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If You Have a Dog in Wisconsin, You’re Liable for All Dog Bite Injuries

Wisconsin law states dog owners are responsible for costs associated with dog bite injuries — even if the owner did his or her best to prevent the bite. This is a “strict liability” state, meaning there’s no gray area where an owner’s actions might reduce any financial responsibility. For dog owners, that means they have to keep a close eye on their dogs and be extremely careful about where the dog can go, especially because “strict liability” applies...

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Why Settling a Personal Injury Claim Can Be of Benefit

Personal injury lawsuits often end in settlements, and these can have both advantages and disadvantages. The benefits may outweigh those disadvantages, however, because a personal injury lawsuit can take a very long time and be emotionally and financially draining. A settlement offers a faster solution that could see you back on the road to recovery instead of caught in a cycle of waiting and medical debt. Settling a personal injury claim can be done at any time while a case is pending or...

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Understanding Wisconsin Domestic Violence Law

Wisconsin takes domestic violence laws seriously. This comes from a place of wanting to protect the safety of all of its citizens. Still, if you don’t understand how this area of law works, you might find yourself in trouble for your actions or words. Before you get to that point, take the time to understand just what domestic violence means in Wisconsin. Who Do These Laws Protect? Domestic violence laws come into play between family members or any people living together. If you live...

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Getting a Lawyer After You Are Arrested

When you get arrested, your mind starts racing. You think about your friends and your family, about what you are going to do. Hopefully, you also think about contacting a lawyer. Before you do, though, you have some time to stop and plan. You don’t want to call the first attorney you hear about. Instead, do a little work and make sure you find the right person for your case. Research Your Choices First First, you need to look into lawyers who practice criminal law. If you are arrested...

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