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Personal Injury Attorney | Slip And Fall Injury

When To Consult A Personal Injury Lawyer After A Slip And Fall Injury Slips and falls are very common injuries that can happen in a variety of settings and situations. The term “slip and fall” is a legal term that is used by a personal injury lawyer in cases where a person has slipped, tripped, or fallen while on another person’s property. In many cases, a slip and fall injury is no more damaging than a bruised ego or behind, but at other times the injury can be quite...

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Avoiding Slip-and-Fall Accidents in Icy Conditions

In Madison, WI, follow these tips to avoid slip and fall injuries With the weather turning colder and ice and snow beginning to fall in much of the northern half of the country, it’s time to review how to stay safe in slippery conditions. Falls can be devastating; even a minor fall can result in bruises and curtailed activity, at least temporarily. Residents of Madison won’t be able to avoid snow and ice, so here are ways to reduce the risk of a hard landing. Go slowly! Rushing...

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Legal Protection for Dog Bite Injuries

If you’ve suffered a dog bite in Madison, WI, protect your legal rights! You may think of dogs as friendly, helpful animals–and indeed, most are. Still, a dog that feels threatened or is trying to protect itself or others can be dangerous. In the first four months in 2017, Madison and Dane County authorities responded to over 100 reported animal bites, most of which came from dogs. While most of these do not result in injuries, many do. If you have been injured, you should be prepared...

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Driver Liability When Ice Causes Accident in Wisconsin

When icy roads cause an accident in Wisconsin, who’s liable? When winter arrives in Wisconsin, drivers will face icy road conditions. Almost inevitably, this leads to accidents. A driver applies the brakes, his or her car slides, and it collides with the vehicle in front. When it happens, you need to determine who has to pay for the damages. If the police file a report on an accident, they will usually identify the driver who is at fault for causing the accident. It may seem unfair;...

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Madison, WI Car Accident Attorney | Accident Negligence

How A Car Accident Attorney in Madison WI May Prove Negligence in A Car Accident Claim There were over 129,000 car accidents in Wisconsin in 2016. Many resulted in property damage, some resulted in injuries, and a little more than 500 of the incidents were fatal. In the aftermath of an accident, insurance providers need to determine who was at fault for the accident so they can determine policy coverage payouts. If one party/driver wants to bring a lawsuit against the other party/driver,...

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