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Author: Steve Eisenberg

Bicyclists – Don't Forget Your Helmets

Bicycle Accidents – Wearing your helmet still makes sense Madison bicyclists may be taking unnecessary risks with their lives by not wearing helmets while riding, according to a recent story in the weekly paper Isthmus. With the discovery that wearing a bicycle helmet may actually draw cars toward a bike or make the car drivers be less careful around bikes, the drop in helmet use might sound at least a little bit sensible. However, the fact remains that wearing a helmet can reduce the...

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Time to File Your Wisconsin Personal Injury Claim

Time is running out to file your Wisconsin Personal Injury Claim If you suffer a personal injury, you have a limited time to file a lawsuit in Wisconsin. This period, called the statute of limitations, helps ensure efficient justice for injured people, and prevents people who cause injuries from having to defend claims many years later. Understanding the time limit for your injury can help you avoid missing your chance to recover the damages you suffer. General Time Is Three Years For...

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Any Car Accident Can Cause Serious Injuries

Contact a Wisconsin Personal Injury Attorney if you’ve been in a car accident When you think of bad car accidents, you likely envision a crushed or burning car, or perhaps a multiple car pileup on the highway. While these create significant damage, they are far from the only accidents that occur. Depending on the circumstances, an accident that looks minor from the outside can create life-altering injuries. If you are in a car accident with another vehicle, whatever the damage to your...

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6 Steps To Take After Dog Bite Injuries | Injury Attorneys

6 Steps To Take After Dog Bite Injuries Dog bites are scary injuries. They can happen when you least expect it and can occur at any time, with a strange dog or a beloved family pet. Whenever you are bitten or attacked by a dog it’s important to protect both your health and your rights. Listed below are six critical actions that every Madison injury attorney at our offices recommends be taken after dog bite injuries. 6 Actions To Take After A Dog Bite Taking action right after a...

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Will My Personal Injury Case Go to Trial?

Most personal injury cases are settled before trial The news often carries stories of personal injury lawsuits that end up in lengthy court battles. That can make potential plaintiffs wonder if their cases will end up with similar courtroom-based fates. In reality, not every case makes it to court because a large number of cases are settled before any courtroom action is possible. Many defendants offer settlements, which plaintiffs can choose to accept or decline. When to agree to a settlement...

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